Mission Statement

The Regional Student Group (RSG) Italy is the local Italian group of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) Student Council (SC).

Our goals are thus aligned with those of the ISCB-SC, and aim to promote the development of the next generation of computational biologists and bioinformaticians.

our activities include

    •  Creating and maintaining a network of bioinformatics and computational biology students
    • Providing the means for our members to get in contact and interact with senior members of the scientific community, as well as institutions
    • Increasing awareness about the role of bioinformatics and computational biology in the community
    • Organizing meetings where students can promote their work and exchange experiences with peers
    • Organising tutorials and courses to assist members in the development of their bioinformatics/computational biology skills
    • Providing a centralized source of information about career opportunities for students